Posted October 5, 2009 by Vamien. Filed under Adobe, Adobe MAX 2009, Flash, iPhone, Applications Every iPhone owner wants Flash player on the device, I mean, it has a nice display, nice and powerful hardware overall but the only thing holding it back from its true potential is Apple themselves, they need to be hanged by their tongues for their sins.
Adobe has announced something really cool at the Adobe MAX 2009 conference, it's not Flash Player 10.1 for iPhone but a way to let developers create application in Flash then convert them over to native code for submission to the App Store. I don't see many developers using this for day to day iPhone development, I expect developers of existing Flash applications to use it for conversion purposes but hey, I could be wrong. Real Flash would be much better but this is a start and a good turn into the right direction. For developers looking forward to this, the Flash CS5 developer environment which is needed to make it all work will be in beta later in the year, enjoy.