Another Hidden Nokia Application - Nokia Multiscanner

SymbianV3 reports the finding of a useful tool not shown on any of the Nokia sites... at least none that we are aware of. The Nokia Multiscanner.

NokiamultiscannerscreenshotAccording to my Symbian-Guru, the Nokia Multiscanner is a tool that's available to the E66 and E71 (although I can't find it on my E71).

The Multiscanner offers 2 functions... a card reader and a text scanner which converts The application works by using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to identify letters.

While the Card Reader seems cool I think I'm a bit more interested in the Text Scanner.

You can download Nokia Multiscanner from below. Let me know which device you have it working on.

Download Nokia Multiscanner

EDIT: Original Nokia Page, Detailed Review by Symbian-Life Blog