Nokia viNe Has Been Released

It is official, Nokia viNe has been released into the wild and is now available for download. This version of Nokia viNe is a mobile geo-path-tracking / photo / video location based mobile app that allows one to create %26quot;vines%26quot; or %26quot;journeys%26quot; on one's phone and then upload it to the nokia server to be displayed on the web or via a widget.

Nokia viNe version 1.02 released by Nokia today is for the following Nokia mobiles: the E71, N78 %26amp; N79, N82 %26amp; N85, and the N95 8GB %26amp; N96. I have tried it with my Nokia N95-1 and it won't login to the server and start working, sad this.

I promise to write a new Nokia viNe How To tomorrow that will reflect the changes in the new version that has been released to all. Not only are there some nice improvements and changes to the mobile app since I wrote my tutorial (faster uploads!), but the Nokia viNe web interface has greatly improved.

There are three features I would love to see in the next iteration of the Nokia vine mobile app and web interface:

1) Multiple logins on the mobile app. I currently have two logins and would like to toggle between accounts as to what I upload where.

2) Be able to have finer control of what is public and what is private, not only on Nokia viNe, but also on Sports Tracker and Share on Ovi. I like Flickr %26amp; Vox's approach of up to 4 plus levels of privacy to public with: private (only you), Friends %26amp; Family, Contacts, and Everyone. At this point, there is no way I can control this from the Nokia viNe mobile app, nor from the web interface. Given that Nokia viNe is a location based service this is extra important for trust and safety.

3) Be able to determine in my account settings if I want my photos or video to be able to be downloaded once they are up on the Nokia viNe site. Right now, I have no control, which as a beta tester over the last 2+ months didn't bother me, but over time it will. Flickr allows me to set who I want to be able to download my photos (none, family, friends, friends %26amp; family, contacts, and everyone). This is important for trust of the photographer in the system and for copyright reasons.

Overall, I would like to say Bravo! to the folks who have been working hard to make both the Nokia viNe mobile app and the web interface.

My other posts on Nokia viNe:

The Nokia viNe Promo Video is Cute %26amp; Funny!

Nokia viNe How To Tutorial (The Alpha Version)

Nokia Nseries Widget or Why Nokia Really Needs a Good Internal Communication System

Batteries for Ricky

Nokia's (life) viNe