The Advertisements In Fashion Magazines Reduce A Large Scale This Get Internet Media’s Rejection

The Advertisements In Fashion Magazines Reduce A Large Scale   This Get Internet Media’s Rejection

The advertisement pages in the famous fashion magazine Vogue had reduced by 36%-42%. By July 21, the advertisement income of this magazine has fallen by 26% while compared with the same period in 2008. Just in two years ago, Vogue magazine had more than 727 pages for advertisements. The sister magazine of Vogue W was much worse, with a falling of 41%. Advertisement income of Elle and Harper’s BAZAAR had a fallen scale of more than 20%.

WebObserve  report   news in august 18, it’s reported by the foreign media that every autumn was the hot season for fashion magazines and the pages of the advertisements would be many. But the magazines in this September have been thinner.

And the reason may be the depressive situation of economy and advertisement industry. Just as The Wall Street Journal reported, fashion companies depended on magazine advertisement and now began to try internet promotions, such as by Twitter and You Tube. has more than 27000 fans in Twitter; the advertisement of Audrey for Tautou also appeared in You Tube.

The advertisement trace company TNS Media Intelligence which is under the flag of the biggest advertisement enterprise WPP found that the clothes marketing cost in internet had increased. company spent about 286 thousand dollars on digital advertisement in 2008, which was two time of the 107 thousand dollars in 2007. Diane Von Furstenberg last year put 43 thousand dollars on internet advertisements.

Although the marketing cost in internet is not many at present, but it keep expanding. And now the data is just for online brand advertisement, other types of internet advertisements is not included such as searching advertisement and video advertisement.

The fashion magazines have already noticed their weaknesses, so they try to reform their websites to expand the marketing volume in internet business, in hopes of getting luxury advertisements. However, no matter what they still have to accept the fact that the magazine advertisements are reduced.
