How To Distinguish Genuine and Fake Prada Bag


How To Distinguish Genuine and Fake Prada Bag


Counterfeit Prada nylon bags are very common in the market. The quality of big Prada nylon bags is rather good, but the counterfeit small Prada nylon messenger bags are so fake that they are plain to the eyes.

Genuine Prada nylon bags are made of parachute material which is heat-resistant, thick, and tough, its surface is not reflective, but the twill grain can be seen under a magnifying glass. The fake Prada is made from ordinary chemical fiber, which is either light and too thin, or too thick and hard, bad to the touch, with very smooth or dim surface, also dot pattern can be seen under a magnifying glass.

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Authentic Prada bags are made with calfskin leather, lambskin and even crocodile leather; all have obvious veins and a unique smell of leather. The leather of fake Prada bags is harder, and has fewer grains.

The metal triangle logo of genuine Prada bags are on the center of the bag, the distance between the stitch and the triangle logo is even and the words on the logo is made by hands while the logo of fake Prada bags is not always on the exact center and the stitch is roughly sewn.

The metal zip closure of authentic Prada bags has certain weight but that of the fake one is very light.

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The nylon shoulder strap of genuine Prada bags is very flexible, not easy to fluff on the surface and there is twill on the strap, while that of the fake bags is thin, not flexible and no twill grain on it.

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