Frankly, Coach was not definitely in my consideration if I was going to buy a handbag. I think I would mostly consider Louis Vuitton and Chanel because I find many of them are my type and they can better match my outfits. Since the price of Coach is comparatively lower than any other brands, this might become a reason why people tend to accept it.luies vitton
lui vittonThese days, I have been browsing through many online fashion blogs and forums as well as some replica sites, I found Coach is not as worse as I thought. Though the Coach Signature fabric always makes me connect it with Gucci GG fabric, I still fancy the way it looks. I happened to find the above Coach Kristin Handbags on a site and it immediately came into my eyes at the first sight. The silver hardware plus the khaki Coach signature fabric is the perfect combination, making it more gorgeous as a whole. Featuring double rolled handles and an adjustable shoulder strap, this Coach Kristin Handbags allows you to carry across your shoulder and on hand. Only the pleat details on the front make me a little dissatisfied with it as I am not quite comfortable with pleat details. Anyway, it won’t stop my love for it! Does anyone love this bag like me?