Do You Dare To Get Luxurious With A Monthly Salary Of 3,000 Yuan?


Do You Dare To Get Luxurious With A Monthly Salary Of 3,000 Yuan?

louie vuitton

When ladies wearing Channel perfume can be easily spotted in the subway, girls carrying LV bags floods the streets and some Peking men are dressed in well-ironed Armani suits with Rolex watch on their wrists, we have to admit that we’ve entered the age that could accommodate and even promote luxury goods. Different from foreign luxury markets, in China more and more young people who are not financially strong enough overdraw their salary for purchasing luxury goods.

Miss Lv, a magazine editor, has a salary of about 3,000 Yuan which includes the monthly wage and bonus, and she is a pure and pute fan of brands. All the clothes in her wardrobe come from famous brands such as Dior and Gucci. Miss Lv took out a coat and told the reporter, this piece had costed her more than two months’ salary, but she couldn’t help herself to purchasing the coat when she saw it. She has no hesitance to buy the coat when thinking of the satisfaction of wearing it. With a variety of credit cards overdrawn as well as carrying the title of “Lady in Debt”, Miss Lv still joyfully shops at famous brands stores in the city to purchase the luxuries with satisfactions and happiness.


Under the influence of famous brands, are people, who buy a coat with several months’ salaries or overdraw their credit cards to join the line of high consumption, fashionistas or irrational consumers? According to the research on the current income levels of the white-collar by, about 70 % white-collar’s salary is between 3,000 Yuan to 5,000 Yuan, while there are less than 10% with a monthly income of more than 10,000. However, the middle and low income groups like Miss Lv have become the main purchasing power in our domestic luxury consuming market. Besides, young age is another obvious feature of luxury consumer groups in China. It is learned that the age of main consumer groups in foreign countries is the mature consumer group of age from 30 to 40, while the customer group in China is from 20 to 50. John Durnin, Chief Executive Officer of Dunhill Asia Pacific Region, thought that some young people hadn’t achieved the consumption power to buy luxury goods, but they still made their luxury dream come true. Therefore, the consumer group of China is lower than that in foreign countries.

In fact, the luxury consumption in China is divided into two types, one is conspicuous consumption, and the other is self-gratifying consumption. There is few enjoyment-centric consumption of taste when compared with foreign countries. Under the psychology of conspicuous consumption, some people overdraw their wallets and even their health. It is very common that white-collar are named as “the Moonlite” (who use up their monthly salary every month), “the new poor” (with considerable income but are still poor), “poor millionaire” (always in debts).

Luxury goods are very trendy indeed, but different income categories of consumers should consider their consuming capacities before they buy something. Professional advice is that when purchasing luxury goods you should ensure that there is enough corresponding income to consume, as well as control the expenses amount within a reasonable range.
