America Movil Getting GSM Palm Pre In Mexico?

Posted October 12, 2009 by Vamien. Filed under America Movil, Telecel, Palm Pre, GSM, Smartphone, Mexico The GSM Palm Pre, everyone and their mother must be foaming at the mouth for one, after all, the majority of mobile phone users are on GSM networks, CDMA only has power in the United States.

Palm Pre So it appears Movistar won't be the only one spitting out the GSM Palm Pre this year, rival America Movil is bragging much about the Pre coming to Telecel in Mexico, the land of Salsa and uhh...people. In the videos some guy goes on to blabber stuff about the Palm Pre, he made it clear it is GSM but what might seal the deal for all you Mexicans is the fact that this GSM Pre has a MicroSD Card Slot, meaning you are not limited to built in storage. Now only if we could see the GSM Palm Pre popping up on the grid worldwide, that would make many people overly happy, videos below.