Posted October 7, 2009 by Chris. Filed under Palm Pre, Spain, Movistar, Telefonica, In about a week or so, Palm's only webOS phone so far, the Pre, will officially head to Spain and Telefonica's Movistar will be the carrier to launch it. The Pre has been announced in various other European countries so far and it's likely that Palm wants to sell as many of those babies as possible overseas.
The Pre didn't deliver that decisive blow to the iPhone that we were expecting it to but that doesn't mean you should ignore it. So if you're reading these lines from Spain and thinking about getting a Pre phone then you should know that the GSM Pre is going to be available for free depending on the data plan you choose.
And here are some more pricing information for the Spanish Pre:
-��: ��0 voice plan and ��5 data plan per month
-��9: ��9.9 voice plan and ��5 data plan per month
-��79: �� voice plan and ��0 data plan per month
So let's hear it from our Spanish readers, what plan are you going to choose?
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