Posted October 13, 2009 by Chris. Filed under Android, CTIA, Sprint, WiMax, Eclair, INQ Google's OS seems to be growing a little day by day. Android becomes more popular and more manufacturers and carriers are interested in offering Android handsets to their subscribers. Curious of what's coming in the future? Well we have a bunch of Android-related rumors coming from the CTIA for you, so take a sit and listen!
First of all it looks that Sprint's first WiMAX phone will be an Android one. That's not exactly a surprise, is it? Whether it's going to be the first WiMAX phone or not, we're expecting Sprint to want to launch Android phones capable of using that brand new 4G network at some point in the future.
Next up is Android 2.0 Eclair. The new update is rumored to be available only in the second quarter of 2010 which isn't necessarily a disaster, is it?
Last, but not least, it looks like INQ is going to bring an Android phone to the USA at some point in 2010. There aren't any details about it at this time but it looks like it will be coming with a bunch of interesting services like Spotify, Skype or Facebook and a customized UI.
What do you think? Anxious about any one of those rumors? Don't get all too excited just yet! We'll be back with more details once people start confirming all the rumors above.
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