Posted October 13, 2009 by Vamien. Filed under GSM, Palm, Pre, Palm Pre, Germany, O2, Movistar, Carriers GSM Palm Pre is all the rage right now, everyone who ditched the Pre because it went CDMA first are now jumping for joy, but the Germans having lots more fun because they will be first to own one, sad stuff indeed.
First showing of the Palm Pre in its GSM glamour, it's like this handset is on the cover of Vogue or something, it is that sexy and hot, if Pre was a woman....well let us not go there. The handset is now available on O2 Germany which is owned by Movistar, if 481 Euros is too much for you then you're out of luck if you wish not to enter a contract, if not, then you might want to go out and pick yourself up one of these sexy little heathens for a romantic night on the town. All is not loss, with just 20 Euros and a contract of 24 months (2yrs), you can own one, so what will your choice be? Something else to mention, there will be Euro specific applications, I don't see what is so great about that but maybe tomorrow I may see the light when I'm not tired and my eyes are not closing and opening in earnest. Via: [Engadget]