Posted October 12, 2009 by Vamien. Filed under T-Mobile, Sidekick, Cloud, Fail, Mobile, Data, Carrier, Danger, Microsoft, MobileMe, Myphone Following the huge blunder that saw all Sidekick personal data on the cloud going up in smoke, T-Mobile has done has optioned to cease the sale of all Sidekick devices while they go to think in a little dark corner.
The sale of Sidekick devices has been halted in various retail stores and online, we have no idea when you can be lucky enough to get a new Sidekick if for some reason you still need one, but for now you will just have to wait and see what happens. What T-Mobile is doing is actually the correct thing, you don't want consumers who has no idea about the cloud failing running about to pick themselves up a Sidekick that literally kicks you in the side by not working properly. With all these problems with the cloud computing, one has to wonder what happens if for some reason paid services like Apple's MobileMe or Microsoft Myphone goes belly up and all data are loss? Users would be suing left right and center, thus everyone will learn never to trust in the cloud and keep in old school until cloud computing is allot more reliable than a bus transportation system somewhere. Via: [BGR]